November 24, 2007

She Called Me

It was around 7 PM. Telephone started ringing. Thrice telephone rang. Dad was seriously reading the To days Business Express and Mom is busy in making Chappathi. I was simply turning the pages of Text book and heard Dad's voice "See who is that"? I know Mom won't come and pick up the Phone and I was waiting to ring the Phone. I jumped like a Kangaroo and picked up the Phone. Hello, I identified the sweet mild voice from the other side, that, she, the girl who went to aunt's house yesterday after accepting my sweet warm kiss. I reached here around 1 PM, Auntie and Uncle both are well and now they went out to purchase something for their Daughter, Neenu, Now in Chicago, coming next week for vacation with her husband. So I am alone here. How are You? She asked. Fine, I told. Call me tomorrow, I said and hang up. Who was it? Dad asked without raising head from Business Express. One of my classmates, HE got some doubts about Chemistry. I moved to my room at up stairs. Thanks God Dad didn't ask the name of the classmate. While climbing upstairs I peeped Dad. He is still under Business Express. Havooo. "Raju you want Chappathi or Poori" Mom asked from Kitchen. Chappathi, I said loudly with excitement and joy. Does anybody recognized the difference in voice, I doubted. No. Nobody.

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